Stabby, the socialist unicorn.

Socialist UK

DM Commands: (Send these in a DM to Bread Bot directly!)



!offtopic You can use this to nudge a channel that is veering off topic - anonymously. Copy
!quote Use this command to view and remove any of your quotes from the server !quote command. Copy
!topic Discussion Topic/Question Use this command to add discussion prompts to the queue for mod approval. Copy
!ignore Use this command to toggle whether the bot is ignoring your commands and triggers. Copy
!nopolitics You can use this to toggle your self exclusion from the political channels if you need a break. Copy
!timeout You can use this to toggle a whole server exclusion from the channels if you need a complete break. Copy

Server Commands: (Put these inside any message posted to the server channels)



!breadbook Posts information on how the user can find "The Conquest of Bread", this can also be used in the middle of a message. Copy
!conservative Posts a video: "The Origins of Conservatism", this can also be used in the middle of a message. Copy
!fascism Posts a video: "White Fascism", this can also be used in the middle of a message. Copy
!socialism Posts a short snappy definition of Socialism. Copy
!communism Posts a short snappy definition of Communism. Copy
!gotcha Posts the Nib comic "Mr Gotcha", this can also be used in the middle of a message. Copy
!bothsides Posts a random comic about centrism. Copy
!onejoke Posts the image making fun of the right's "one joke". Copy
!rainbow Posts a Spongebob "Capitalism" rainbow. Copy
!rainbow TEXT Posts a Spongebob rainbow with custom text. Copy
!nessie Posts a glorious photo of a beloved community member. This can also be used in the middle of a message. Copy
!copypasta Generates a block of sentences based on the previously sent messages in the channel.

You can also say "Bread Bot what are your thoughts?" / "Bread Bot what do you think?"" to get the single sentence version.
!poll Question Text Posts a poll with your entered question with emoji reacts so that people can respond. Copy
!poll Question Text [Answer 1, Answer 2, Answer 3...] Posts a complex poll with your chosen options. Reaction emojis are chosen randomly. Copy
!kill @user Use this command to generate a death for the targeted user. Copy
!debate @user Generates a debate prompt directed at the targeted user. This can also be used without a target. Copy
!myfriend @user Generates a "my X is a Y" mad lib directed at the targeted user. This can also be used without a target. Copy
!myfriend [Person's name] Generates a "my X is a Y" mad lib using the entered name as the subject. Copy
!ask Ask the mystical 8 Ball to tell the future. Copy
!roll 1d20 / 2d4+5 Use this command to roll the specified dice. Copy
!kinkshame @user Kinkshame targeted user. Copy
!spongebob @user Posts a Spongebob text version of the targeted user's last comment. Copy
!spongebob Text Posts a Spongebob text version of the entered text. Copy
!mogg Checkmate leftists. Copy
!tumbleweed Output a random tumbleweed message. Copy
!badtake Output a random bad take message. Copy
!react @user [WORD] Make Bread Bot do a text react to the targets last message (word phrase should be unique and not contain any repeated letters). Copy
!quote Use this command with no target to generate a random quote from our quote database. Copy
!quote @user Use this command to store the user's last message in our quote database. Copy
!quoth/!quoteuser @user Use this command to view a quote from the mentioned user. Copy
!report @User : reason Report the user to the moderation team for your entered reason. Copy
!game Start a text adventure game. Copy
!optout Leave a text adventure game. Copy
!optin Join a text adventure in progress. Copy
!krobotkin Generate a GPT-2 block of text with no prompt. Let Bread Bot freestyle! This language model was trained on the book "The Conquest of Bread". Copy
!krobotkin Text to complete Generate a GPT-2 block of text prompted by the sentence begining given. This language model was trained on the book "The Conquest of Bread". Copy
!anarchybot Generate a GPT-2 block of text with no prompt. Let Bread Bot freestyle! This language model was trained on a variety of socialist, feminist and anarchist texts. Copy
!anarchybot Text to complete Generate a GPT-2 block of text prompted by the sentence begining given. This language model was trained on a variety of socialist, feminist and anarchist texts. Copy